Sunday, June 13, 2010

side of the road

So I had this retarded idea to get pictures of the girls with some "great scenery" in the background.  We live in the country (or near it) so we were driving around old back roads and came upon an old barn and great old fence.  So we jumped out of the car and ran over to the fence!  But... it was cloudy and Dave had used my camera and I hadn't realized it, so the settings were completely different from what I use!  And it was one of those really cloudy days, but yet the sun is screaming behind the clouds, so it's also very bright to their eyes!  I started snapping away and looked at the camera to view what I had shot so far and everything was completely overexposed! :(  But the pictures were so cute, I tried to salvage them the best I could.  The only way I could get them to somewhat turn out is to use this funky little setting I found on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3, Color Creative - Color CP 2.  So here they are...



And I truly LOVE how my girls love each other.  I ALWAYS push the "sisters are bestfriends" aspect!  They tell each other everything and do so much together.  They have such a close bond, more so than most siblings.  I love that about them.  P.S. I didn't tell them to pose! lol  Kiley is ALWAYS wanting to kiss Keara.  I have a million shots of that!

I finally got the settings right...  And how beautiful is she?  She can't fake smile!  She just radiates something so special, no matter if she smiles or not.  

The love I have for my girls is unexplainable!

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