Saturday, June 12, 2010


So a CostCo coupon came in the mail, a coupon for $1.00 off of their 16"x20" prints.  That got me thinking that I really have no pictures of any humans in the house.  I have 3!  Yes, 3!  One of me pregnant with Keara, standing with Dave.  One of Kiley, sitting all pouting on our front porch from about 4 years ago.  And then One of Keara, resting her head on the balcony of our hotel room in Miami, also about 4 years ago.  So I need to get some printed and put up!!

I finally got Lightroom 3 and have been doing quite a bit of experimentation with it.  I picked 4 of my favorite photos and voila!  My order is ready to go!  Here they are!

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